Combines the quick action of the 62 and the warm tone color of the original custom.
The YTS-82ZU Tenor Saxophone features a 2-piece hydro-formed bell. The body, bell, and bow are annealed during production to make this horn more responsive and freer blowing. The new mechanisms on the 82Z allow for faster action and easier repair. Comes with blue steel springs for faster, more sensitive key response and higher resiliency. Eye-catching engraving will give you the look of a custom horn.
Key of Bb. Front F and high F# key, annealed French brass body, custom G1 handmade French brass neck, 2-piece annealed French brass bell, yellow brass keys, mother-of-pearl key buttons. Unlacquered finish. Includes 4C mouthpiece, neckstrap, gold-lacquered ligature, gold-lacquered mouthpiece cap, cork grease, and a lightweight case with a shoulder strap.
Yamaha YTS-82ZU Professional Tenor Saxophone Specifications:
* Level: Custom Z Tenor
* Key: Bb
* Neck: Custom G1 (handmade)
* Neck Material: French Brass
* Body Material: French Brass (annealed)
* Bell: French Brass (annealed), 2 pc.
* Key Material: Yellow Brass
* Key Buttons: Mother-of-pearl
* Tone Holes: Drawn
* Auxiliary Keys: Front F; High F# key
* Mouthpiece: Yamaha 4CM
* Spring Type: Blue steel needle
* Pad Type: Waterproof leather and wool felt with plastic tone boosters
* Bell Decoration: Hand engraved
* Thumb Hook: Adjustable plastic
* Pivot Screw: Bullet tip design with head
* Mounting: Ribbed and flanged